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                                                                                          CAPITAL CAMPAIGN
          VULNERABLE AMONG US IS TRULY A MITZVAH FROM THE HEART.                          $1,000,000+                       Jean, Lillian and Dr. Henry J.
          THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY:                                      The Fine Foundation               Goldstein Endowment Fund
                                                                                          Giant Eagle and Beacon            Michael and Anne Levin
                                                                                                                            Marci Lynn Bernstein
          CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Our Capital      one is central to our faith. Yahrzeit         Foundations                      Philanthropic Fund
          Campaign brings best-in-class      donors are our most loyal and                Jack Buncher Foundation           Connie and Sheldon Marstine
          memory care, a growing endowment,   longtime friends, identified with   in                                        Philip Chosky Charitable
          and independent living to our      the Annual Fund listing. Remember            $250,000-$500,000                 Foundation
          community. Donors to the campaign   your loved one’s Yahrzeit. Contact          H. Arnold and Adrien B. Gefsky    Plung-Resnick Families
          make an investment to ensure top   Donna Kruman at 412-586-3264 or              Halpern Family                    Andrew Stewart
          quality services are available today –   [email protected]                     Jewish Federation of Greater
          and for all of us when we need them.                                             Pittsburgh                       $10,000-$99,999

          ANNUAL FUND: We appreciate                                                      Dr. Richard Kasdan and Family     A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo
          all those who stand up for their                                                Lawrence and Rebecca Stern        Charitable Trust
          neighbors by contributing to our                                                 Family Foundation                The Alex and Margie Ellenbogen
          Annual Fund that supports special                                               Dr. Penn Lupovich and the         Family
          events, yahrzeit donations, and                                                  Nathan and Reta Natanson         The Apter and Finegold Family
          unrestricted donations. It helps                                                 Lupovich Academic and Cultural     Leonard H. Berenfield
                                                                                           Enrichment Fund
          seniors who have limited resources,                                                                               Betsy and Marc Brown
          addressing the $4.3 million in free                                             Perry and Bee Jee Morrison        Susan and James Brown
          care provided by JAA annually. The   LIFE & LEGACY SOCIETY: Join our            Lloyd and Debbie Myers Family     Barbara and David Burstin
          list reflects contributions of $100 or   Legacy Society by remembering JAA       Foundation                       Barbara and Gerald Chait
          more made between July 1, 2018     in your will, trust, retirement account      Nancy and Woody Ostrow            Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
          and June 30, 2019.                 or life insurance policy. Be a part of a     Jim and Louisa Rudolph
                                             group of community members whose             Samuel, Fannie, and Irwin A.      Sylvia and Norman Elias
          LEADERSHIP CIRCLE: Friends who     values you share. Life and Legacy             Solow Endowment Fund             Foster Charitable Trust
          contributed $1000 or more to       Society donors are identified with *         Sephardic Home for the Aged
          our Annual Fund between July 1     in Annual Fund listing.                       Foundation
          and June 30, separate from any                                                  Jacquelin Weissman Wechsler
          special event or Capital Campaign   TRIBUTE FAMILIES: At a time when
          contribution. Identified in the Annual   you are remembering someone very       $100,000-$249,000
          Fund listing by  .                 dear to you, tribute families have also      Arlene and Bill Brandeis
                                             thought of others nurtured and cared
          YAHRZEIT DONATIONS: Remembering    for by our community. Families direct        Donald & Sylvia Robinson
          and giving tzedakah on the annivers-  donations in honor and in memory of        Family Foundation
          ary of the date of passing of a loved   their loved ones.                       Rita J. Gould

                                                                                                                                     2019 Annual Report      13
                                                                                                                                     20 1 9 Annual  Re port       13
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