Page 42 - jaa2020_web
P. 42
Barbara Giffen
Elise Goldstein JAA BY THE NUMBERS
Linda Lasser Goldstein $4.6 million 2,957
Stephen C. Grobstein Total unique
Stanley Gruber Uncompensated care/services clients served
& charity provided
Tony Harrison
Mark Hecht 278,024 31,197
Jane Hepner Days of care provided
Aileen Hersh Eugene "Gene" Rosenbaum Meals prepared, at Charles Morris
served, and delivered
Elmer Judd Doris G. Rudolph
Stanford Kalla Jane Jaffe Rudov 278,024 37,660
Edna B. Kalson Ruth Savitz Days of care provided at Outpatient rehabilitation
Lawrence Kaplan Ruth Seiavitch Weinberg Terrace, treatments provided
Alvin Kassel Arlene Shapiro Weinberg Village, and AHAVA
Eugene J. Klein Harry Sharf 30,020 7,399
Evelyn Klimovich Gerry Silverman JAA Home Health Sivitz Hospice & Palliative
Mary Alice Knoll Philip Smith Care patient visits Care patient visits
Herbert Kordish Shirley Stein
Dr. Inna Lamm Marshall Terkel
Malcolm Levy Irving Tripp FINANCIALS Annual budget $34.5 million
Abraham Lipner Arnold N. Wagner
Leo Livingston Marianne Wallach 4% 1%
Charlotte Love Marion Mandel Blattner Wein 15% Revenues
Carl Luick Richard W. Weisberger Insurance
Dr. Arthur Mahler Marilyn Weisman
Stanley Makoroff Evelyn S. Weitzer 43% 43% Private Pay
Alan Mandel Al Wenkert Other Operating Revenue/ COVID-19 Relief
David McClure, Sr. Tobey Wolken
Myrna Miller Sr. Edith A. Zimmerman 37% Contributions Identified for Operational Use
Thelma R. Miller Leon Zionts JFGP Allocation
Vivian R. Miller
Silbert Moritz Key to listings: 37%
Bernard G. Neaman Annual Fund Donor of 1%
Richard Neft ○ $1000 or more, separate 3% 3% 2% Expenses
Robin Niman from Capital Campaign 4%
Howard E. Plung ᶌ 6% Salaries/Fringe Benefits Utilities
James C. Polacheck Annual Fund Yahrzeit Donor 6% Paper Products/Linen, Other
Ivan Port Life and Legacy Endowment 7% 7% Purchased Services Supplies
Sally Rendall + Fund Holder 74% Other Expenses* Information Technology
David Reps Food/Dietary Supplies
Marion Riemer z"l May His or Her Memory *Other Expenses include: Other Expenses,
Professional Fees, Insurance, Bad Debt,
Howard Rom Be a Blessing Drugs/Medical Supplies Interest Expense, Real Estate Tax.