Rabbi Small’s Monthly Message- March ’25

This month, we celebrate the holiday of Purim, when we read the Purim story in the Megillah. What makes this story so unique that we continue to celebrate it and draw inspiration from it to this very day?

In the story, Haman, the evil minister and advisor to King Achashverosh, tried to convince the king to destroy the Jewish people. One of his arguments was that the “people were scattered amongst the land”. He claimed that while the Jews were one people, they were divided.

Mordechai and Esther refused to accept this accusation and plot. Mordechai remained steadfast in his beliefs and did not follow the decree to bow down to Haman, even when others did. This act demonstrated his commitment to his beliefs and the values of the Jewish people, refusing to obey Haman even under pressure. Esther put herself at great risk by entering King Achashverosh’s chamber uninvited to reveal Haman’s plot to the king. Her bravery ultimately saved the Jewish people.

Mordechai and Esther’s courage to stay true to their identity and stand up for their people led to a great victory and lasting story of salvation. Though Haman accused the Jewish people of being “scattered,” they proved that, despite their differences, they were united. Today, we too can have the courage to stand proudly as our true selves and remain united, no matter our differences.

At the JAA, we are proud of who we are and the values we embrace. We encourage each other to bring out the best in everyone. We recognize that while we are each unique and special, when we unite as one we are stronger together. May we proudly express the true blessings of life and bring blessing, unity, and peace to those around us.

-Rabbi Dovid Small