The New Riverview and Brandywine Communities
cares about the health of you and your family.
There are no reported cases of COVID-19 at Riverview.
As we are still protecting ourselves from the invisible enemy, the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published “Be kind to your mind.”
Mental health problems are common. Here are ways to cope with stress and promote wellbeing.
• Pause. Breathe. Notice how you feel.
• Take breaks from upsetting content
• Take care of your body
• Reach out and stay connected
• Seek help if overwhelmed or unsafe”
Thank you for sharing with me the satisfaction survey, developed by RTRA. I am looking forward to Earl sharing with me the results, so management has a better understanding of your needs and wants.
I also wanted to update you about some aspects of renovations.
The last 24 apartments in the A building are in different stages of completion. It is anticipated that by mid-September all apartments will be completed.
For the smokers among us, a fully accessible smoking shelter will be available at the back of the building in the alley, adhering to proper distancing from the building.
Automatic doors were installed in the unisex bathroom in each building in anticipation of the day when use of public restrooms will be safe again.
Beautiful outdoor furniture is on its way to service you on the newly developed outside promenade. Some of the seating was tested by various residents who commented on the design and utility. Once the furniture arrives, please enjoy the outside but keep your masks on and follow social distancing protocols while doing so.
Thank you, Riverview’s employees and volunteers. Thank you for your hard work to keep us safe and healthy.
Keep safe and wash, wash, wash!
Yours truly,
Hanna Steiner Executive Director
The New Riverview