Friday, April 24, 2020
Keeping in contact is key. Choosing the way you communicate based on making you and your loved one comfortable is equally as important.
Video-chats & Telephone Calls
We encourage you to arrange FaceTime, Skype or Zoom meetings with your loved ones who are inside our communities. Our staff is willing to help make those calls a reality so do not hesitate to ask. For the non-technological, a good, old-fashioned phone call works wonders too.
Send a Card Via Snail Mail
Speaking of old-fashioned, remember posting a message through the mail? Sending letters, notes, and cards in the mail STILL gives residents something to which they can look forward. You never grow tired of getting greeting through the mail. Again, our staff is there to help read your message aloud for those who need the assistance.
Keep talking, keep calling, keep writing. We know this is difficult time for everyone but knowing you care despite the distance between us means so much.